General Meeting Minutes Aug. 2

Kauai Japanese Cultural Society, Inc.

Aug. 2, 2018, Thursday, LNC

Regular Meeting


Call to order

Secretary’s Minutes

Treasurer’s Report


Group Sharing

Unfinished Business

Isenburg Japanese Garden Beautification Rededication revisit/maintenance

Hawaii Nikkei Legacy photographic exhibit Kukui Grove Shopping Center     September 7 – 23rd

  • Arrival of exhibit
  • Items to display
  • Sept 7, Friday – Opening, 5:30 PM, invitations, entertainment, blessing,
  • Manning volunteers, days & hours of showing.
  • break down Sepr. 23

Matsuri Kauai 2018 – September 21, 22 – Sale of Japanese gifts at Matsuri. suggested that we put the Aloha Dinner on the web page.

  • Kansha Jyo (Certificate of Appreciation) for Mayor Carvalho, others
  • Raffle/Takaramono Sale. Need to price the items before the event.
  • Aloha Gala Banquet Committee Report-
  • Advertisement sale
  • Guests/Invitees
  • Post Party at Sandi’s

Iwaki Charity Event for Kauai Flood Relief. Discussion on who will receive relief funds.

Monday, August 6 Moment of Silence observance of World Peace at the County Building. 10:15 am

August 9 Mayor Yoshihiko Fukuda and one other person of Iwakuni Courtesy Kauai for one day

Iwaki Little League team visitation, August 21-24

Aug. 25 Ishigaki visit

October 1-4, 2018 about 12 people will come from Moriyama for a visit with the Council Chairman

CPEP Grant Application for 2019/other grants – Ann Hashisaka?

New Business

Next meeting Sept 6, 2018 5 pm Kauai Realty conference room

Meeting adjourn